Month: January 2025

Clergy Attire for General Assembly

Clergy Attire for General Assembly

Please receive the attached letter from the Chief Helpers sharing information on the expected attire for the 2025 General Assembly.

Message from First Lady Worthem – 1/26/2025

Message from First Lady Worthem – 1/26/2025

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Message from the Desk of First Lady Deaconess Linda Worthem Date: January 26, 2025   Holy greetings, my brothers and sisters, in the 

Membership Prayer Request

Membership Prayer Request

Church of the Living God

The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc.

Jewell Dominion

Membership Prayer Request

Date: 1/12/25
TO: Pastors, Members, Prayer Warriors
FROM:  Bishop Rosetta Richardson, President of Internat’l Outreach Ministry of Prayer
Bless the Name of Jesus who hears and answers prayers and is most worthy of the highest praise.
During the 40-day fast, I am asking you to choose extra time to pray about the devastating fires on the West Coast. Four at one time as reported , and there seems to be no end in sight, due to the velocity of winds and a need for water to attempt to quench this inferno. 
On the East Coast,  freezing rain, ice, temperatures in the mid to low teens during the day,  icy cold winds, in some places traveling close to 100 miles, and 3 to 14 or more inches of snow covering many States.  This is also a first in most Southern States.
 This Country has been and is still facing unprecedented natural disasters affecting lives and livelihoods.  
North, South, East, West,
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. “Mother Nature” as it is referred to,  has shown no mercy.  And yet many of us have been spared her wrath.  Or truth be told, received God’s grace..  Let us offer daily thanks and bless His Name, as we ask for His  mercy to touch the lives of everyone suffering by these disasters. 
Flu, colds, respiratory virus, COVID are on the rise. Include with your prayers for protective, preventive methods against contracting those illnesses, particularly in our children and the elderly.  Safety for all who reluctantly must travel during this treacherous weather.
Consider Psalms 7:11, Ezekiel 12:20, Ezekiel 15:7,  Ezekiel 18:21-23, Ezekiel 30:8, 2 Peter 3:9, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalms 50:15, Psalms 91, Psalms 9:10 during the prayers.
May you continue to receive Blessings during the 40-day fast.  We’ve prayed for the Leaders, nevertheless, following  protocol, let’s still pray for them.
Thank you. Be safe and in health. 
Humbly, At Jesus’ Feet,
Bishop Richardson
Petition to Join in Prayer

Petition to Join in Prayer

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Petition to Join in Prayer