Author: Etta Mhoon-Walker

Thursday Devotion and Prayer – July 13, 2023

Thursday Devotion and Prayer – July 13, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                    Thursday Devotion and Prayer. July 13, 2023                        

Wednesday Devotion and Prayer – July 12, 2023

Wednesday Devotion and Prayer – July 12, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                        Thursday Devotion and Prayer. July 13, 2023                    

Tuesday Devotion and Prayer – July 11, 2023

Tuesday Devotion and Prayer – July 11, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.


                                 Tuesday Devotion and Prayer. July 11, 2023
                                               “A Heavenly Perspective”
“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. [3] For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:2-3).
If I am not careful, I can find myself growing distracted from spiritual matters and consumed and overwhelmed with my responsibilities. Although I know the Lord has given me the gift of my role as a wife and mother, that should never become my sole identity. My eyes weren’t made to become fixated on the temporal things of this earth, but I need to remember to lift my gaze to my King when I feel overwhelmed and drained. The more we behold our King, the more we become like Him and long to reflect Him to a lost and dying world. The world needs the hope of Christ, and we are to be carriers of that message that sets the captives free and gives them life eternal in Christ alone. We are to be eagerly fixated on the return of King Jesus, but all too often, temporal, worldly desires and responsibilities have our gaze. The Apostle Paul exhorts the church at Colossae to fix their mind on heavenly and eternal things:
“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. [3] For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:2-3).
We cannot allow the temptations of this world and our weak flesh to entangle us into bondage Christ gave His life to set us free from. We must pray and ask God to strengthen us so that we do not give in to these temptations and worldly desires. He always provides a way of escape from these temptations, and we must trust that He will never lead us astray. His ways are so much better than ours! As believers, because of our faith in Jesus Christ, our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life – the paperwork needed for entrance into our awaited home in heaven. This heavenly citizenship means we are to be set apart from the world as believers. If Christ has saved you, you have died to your old self, and now He has given you the privilege of knowing Him and anticipating His full fellowship.
While here on earth, we can enjoy a small taste of glory as we become conformed to the image of Christ by God’s grace and the power of the Spirit. The Christian life is the process of growing in Christ-likeness- transformed through sanctification. The path of transformation leads to an eternity of transformation. Our bodies will be transformed from our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory. As believers, we joyfully submit to Christ’s Lordship in all things in our life. In the end, Jesus Christ reconciles all things to their right place; He sets all things right by the authority and might of His power. When the world gets dark, let’s remember not to grow weary or discouraged but to fix our gaze on our heavenly home that awaits us! When we are tempted to get weighed down by the things of the earth, we can ask God to help us have a perspective change that shifts our eyes up. May the Lord fill our hearts with the hope of heaven!
Heavenly Father,
There is a reason that You don’t immediately take us to heaven when we become born again; You have a purpose for us to fulfill here on earth to bring You glory and share the gospel with those who do not know You. Instead of becoming consumed with the things of this world, You want us to remember where our true citizenship resides- heaven. Help me to shift my perspective when I become overwhelmed with my responsibilities here or when I am tempted to become entangled with worldly pursuits. As the world grows dark around us, help me be a light for Christ and a messenger of hope to the lost. Thank You for the grace to become heavenly-minded. In Your son Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Message from First Lady Worthem – 2/23/2025

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Message from the Desk of First Lady Deaconess Linda Worthem Date: February 23, 2025   Holy greetings to you, my brothers and sisters, in

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Request for Churchwide Prayer

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Request for Churchwide Prayer International Outreach Ministry of Prayer    Date: February 5, 2025   From the Desk of: Bishop Rosetta Richardson, President  

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Message from First Lady Worthem – 1/26/2025

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Message from the Desk of First Lady Deaconess Linda Worthem Date: January 26, 2025   Holy greetings, my brothers and sisters, in the

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Monday Devotion and Prayer – July 10, 2023

Monday Devotion and Prayer – July 10, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                                                  Monday Devotion and 

Sunday Devotion and Prayer – July 9, 2023

Sunday Devotion and Prayer – July 9, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                                                Sunday Devotion and Prayer. 

Saturday Devotion and Prayer – July 8, 2023

Saturday Devotion and Prayer – July 8, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.


                                Saturday Devotion and Prayer. July 8, 2023
                                               “Submit to God’s Will”

“I will praise thee with uprightness of heart when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments.” – Psalm 119:7

As the Psalmist says, we need to acknowledge that He fashioned us and our loved ones and that we need His understanding to navigate this well and in a God-honoring way.

Thankfully, when we reach out to God for help, He always gives us the truth in love. He promises to give us wisdom generously if we ask Him for it, and He never becomes frustrated that we are anxious and don’t know what to do (James 1:5). He never tires of us needing His help. Today, maybe you are wondering if someone can help you with your struggling loved one too. There is One who made you and will give you understanding. Will you submit to His will?

Heavenly Father,
I thank you that you fashioned us together with attention and care. You know every day of our lives. You know the struggles we would face and the ways we would be desperate for your wisdom and understanding. And you know the ways our loved ones are struggling too. Lord, I pray that you would forgive us when we try to help them in our own strength and lean on our own limited understanding.

Lord, I pray right now that you would help us to see the ways you want to change us through this hardship. Change our reactions, Lord. Change our unbelief. Change our hearts. Protect us from bitterness, Lord. Help us remember who the real enemy is, Lord. But also help us to acknowledge that you are the Lord of Hosts. You have angel armies at your disposal, and you long for us to ask for Your power in our situations with our loved ones. You also are our Good Shepherd, who protects us and shields us from trouble when things get messy and chaotic as they often do in this life, Lord. I pray we would trust You like little children because You are our Heavenly Father. We can submit to Your will and praise You through this storm because Your steadfast Love endures forever! Thank you. In Your son Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Message from First Lady Worthem – 2/23/2025

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Message from the Desk of First Lady Deaconess Linda Worthem Date: February 23, 2025   Holy greetings to you, my brothers and sisters, in

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Request for Churchwide Prayer

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Request for Churchwide Prayer International Outreach Ministry of Prayer    Date: February 5, 2025   From the Desk of: Bishop Rosetta Richardson, President  

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Message from First Lady Worthem – 1/26/2025

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Message from the Desk of First Lady Deaconess Linda Worthem Date: January 26, 2025   Holy greetings, my brothers and sisters, in the

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Friday Devotion and Prayer – July 7, 2023

Friday Devotion and Prayer – July 7, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                                                  Friday Devotion and 

Thursday Devotion and Prayer – July 6, 2023

Thursday Devotion and Prayer – July 6, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                                             Thursday Devotion and Prayer. July 

Wednesday Devotion and Prayer – July 5, 2023

Wednesday Devotion and Prayer – July 5, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.


                               Wednesday Devotion and Prayer. July 5, 2023
                                                   “Watch How We Live”

“Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee.” – 1 Timothy 4:16.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Do as I say, not as I do?” Those in authority shouldn’t only talk the talk; they have the high responsibility and honor of walking the walk. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he provides these words of wisdom: “Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you. (1 Timothy 4:16).” In the letter, Paul offered numerous warnings about false teachers, gave Timothy instructions on dealing with people in the church, and provided general advice. But, here we see that Paul called Timothy to hold himself to a standard of godliness, that no matter what is going around him, Timothy must pay close attention to how he lived out his faith.

Why was this important then, and why is the way we live so important now? Because Timothy was responsible for teaching and leading the church, his actions could quickly draw or deter people from Christ.

How we live matters.
As Christians and representatives of Jesus Christ, we are responsible for taking stock of our actions and heart motivations. Especially those of us who teach the Scriptures, lead, pastor, disciple, or mentor other believers. While only God can offer the free gift of salvation, how we live can influence others to draw closer or turn away from the gospel.

There will undoubtedly be times that we falter, make mistakes, and choose the things of this world over God; Paul does not imply we lead perfect lives. Instead, Paul is encouraging Timothy, as well as us today, to “take every thought captive” (2 Corinthians 10:5), to “live not as the unwise but wise” (Ephesians 5:15-17) and “live a life worthy of the Gospel” (Philippians 1:27-30) And when we fall short, may we quickly confess our sins privately and perhaps publicly, when necessary, seeking forgiveness and redemption.

As God’s chosen people, we are called to bring Him glory in all we say and do. Instead of saying do as I say, not as I do, may we be people who say what Paul said, “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). May we live in such a way that people can’t help to ask about the Lord? Let our lives be living sacrifices to the Lord (Romans 12:1), choosing to think more about others than ourselves, giving God alone the glory.

Heavenly Father, words can never express our deep gratitude that “while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, (Romans 5:8).

We are so undeserving of your grace and mercy, not just for salvation, but every day. Lord, we ask that you soften our hearts to think more of others than we do ourselves. Oh, how difficult it is sometimes to lay down our selfish desires, to sacrifice for others, and forgo certain things, but we ask that we do whatever it takes to draw people closer to You.

Help us be the salt of the earth, light in the dark places. Convict us when our actions and words of our mouths don’t match our faith. For those who teach, strengthen them, and guide them to share the Scriptures with spirit and truth, Lord. Abba, Father, we plead with you to open the hearts of friends, family members, children, and all those who don’t know you as Lord and Savior. We desire that none should perish, but all would come to you. Guide our conversations, and lead us in our work and everyday lives.

We love you, Lord, and desire to be your workmanship, to share the Good News, by living in a way that points to Christ. You alone are worthy of worship and glory; forgive us when we put other things ahead of You and Your will. In Your son Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

Tuesday Devotion and Prayer – July 4, 2023

Tuesday Devotion and Prayer – July 4, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                                               Tuesday Devotion and Prayer.