Author: Etta Mhoon-Walker

Monday Devotion and Prayer – August 7, 2023

Monday Devotion and Prayer – August 7, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.         Monday Devotion and Prayer. August 7, 2023  “True Rest” “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn 

Sunday Devotion and Prayer – August 6, 2023

Sunday Devotion and Prayer – August 6, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.       Sunday Devotion and Prayer. August 6, 2023                                                   “Sit with 

Saturday Devotion and Prayer – August 5, 2023

Saturday Devotion and Prayer – August 5, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.     
                             Saturday Devotion and Prayer. August 5, 2023
                                         “Overflow with Thankfulness”
“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.” – Colossians 2:6-7
“Thank – You – for – this – day.” I open my prayer every morning with those five little words. But lately, I’ve wondered if I truly mean what I say. Am I thankful for the day ahead, or am I stuck in a pattern of repeating words without thinking about their significance? As I think about those words, I recall a time in my career when all the demands overwhelmed me. Even though I loved my work, I felt like I wanted to quit. It was hard to be thankful. I remember many times walking through the door after a long day at work and wanting to vent about the difficulties of my day. I didn’t realize I was spending more time complaining than giving thanks.
It’s easy to get distracted by negativity, especially when balancing work, home, family, and everything else. Sometimes it feels like the bad outweighs the good in life. We want to discuss our problems because it helps us feel better to get it all out. But that good feeling is only temporary. Unless we take our frustrations to God in prayer, they can linger in the atmosphere like a cloud, affecting those around us. Colossians 2:6 reminds us of the importance of living our lives for Jesus. Verse seven encourages us to stay “rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
I have a friend who keeps a gratitude list in her journal. She’s been adding to her list for years. Reading today’s passage reminded me of my friend’s routine. What a great example of overflowing with thankfulness! In our weakness, the struggles of daily life can take their toll on our hearts, but gratitude is key to staying encouraged. A gratitude journal is a practical way to put God’s Word into action today. What other ways can we overflow with thankfulness when negativity threatens? I’ve resolved to start my mornings thinking about the meaning of those five short but powerful words. As I begin praying, “Thank you for this day,” I will mean what I say. No matter how we put it into practice, overflowing with thankfulness is always a good idea.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you. I am grateful for this day and all it brings. Forgive me for complaining and letting my struggles take my attention away from you and your goodness. Help me overflow with thankfulness. Father, help me to replace frustration with gratitude. Bring to my thoughts the many blessings in my life, both big and small. Help me keep my heart and mind focused on being thankful. As I begin listing everything I am grateful for, I feel uplifted. Gratitude is a gift. When I remember to be grateful, you restore my joy and peace. The difficulties of this life have become a heavyweight, but thankfulness lifts that weight. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds me to “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”
I will begin today by giving thanks in all circumstances— not only when things are going well or convenient. Give me the wisdom and strength to remain thankful even in suffering. Gratitude will help me persevere through the pains of this world. I have so much to be grateful for today and every day. Your blessings are never-ending. In Your son Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Message from First Lady Worthem – 8/25/2024

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Message from the Desk of First Lady Deaconess Linda Worthem Date: August 25, 2024 Greetings to my beloved brothers and sisters in the name

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Friday Devotion and Prayer – August 4, 2023

Friday Devotion and Prayer – August 4, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                      Friday Devotion and Prayer. August 4, 2023                        

Monday Devotion and Prayer – July 19, 2023

Monday Devotion and Prayer – July 19, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                        Wednesday Devotion and Prayer. July 19, 2023                    

Tuesday Devotion and Prayer – July 18, 2023

Tuesday Devotion and Prayer – July 18, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.

                                    Tuesday Devotion and Prayer. July 18, 2023
                                                      “Stop Looking Back”

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

Even when we unlock a talent the Lord has given us and work hard to be the best we can be, it’s human nature to struggle with confidence. Doubt causes us to look back while running full speed ahead. The Apostle Paul made it a habit to forget about the past and instead focus on what’s ahead. Forget means to cease or fail to remember, be unable to recall, or omit or neglect unintentionally.

Paul wrote about the finish line of our faith, eternity with Christ. The English Standard Version reads: “Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” The ESV Global Study Bible explains: “The Greek word for a goal can mean either the finish line in a race or an archery target. The prize for Christians is the blessings and rewards in the age to come.”

It takes a lot of faith to put your head down and exhaust every ounce of energy in your body, trusting someone to pick your wobbly, passed-out self off of the ground at the finish line. Jesus is calling us. Listen and look for Him in the present and the future. Look back briefly enough to remember how important it is to keep running forward. We’d look ridiculous if we ran backward at full speed. Let’s pray for the focus to keep moving forward.

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for faithful servants like Paul! Through his divinely inspired words and life story, we can learn what it means to keep running forward into the future you have planned for us. It’s hard to forget, God. We tend to cling to things that have already happened, wishing they would have gone another way. When people hurt us, it’s hard to forgive but even harder to forget.

Father, we pray for Your divine strength today to help us focus on the present. What do you have for us to do today, God? Help us to focus. This is the day You have made, Lord! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! And, in what’s to come. Jesus’ return and eternity with You in heaven. For all who claim Jesus as their Savior, this is what we have to look forward to. God, we pray Your voice echoes in our minds like my coach still rings in mine! Sometimes we need someone to believe in us more than we do! Jesus, You are always that person for us. Our Savior, Messiah, Living Water, and Friend. Thank You for returning the smiles to our faces and lifting the countenance of our hearts. In Your son Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

Message from First Lady Worthem – 8/25/2024

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Message from the Desk of First Lady Deaconess Linda Worthem Date: August 25, 2024 Greetings to my beloved brothers and sisters in the name

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Monday Devotion and Prayer – July 17, 2023

Monday Devotion and Prayer – July 17, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                          Monday Devotion and Prayer. July 17, 2023.                 

Sunday Devotion and Prayer – July 16, 2023

Sunday Devotion and Prayer – July 16, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                      Sunday Devotion and Prayer. July 16, 2023                      

Saturday Devotion and Prayer – July 15, 2023

Saturday Devotion and Prayer – July 15, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.

                                  Saturday Devotion and Prayer. July 15, 2023
                                                     “Be Happy for Others”

Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.” – Romans 12:10

In Romans 12, Paul is writing to the Roman church sharing the marks of a faithful Christian. He reminds them that we have all been adopted into God’s family and are now siblings; we should treat each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Our love should be genuine and sincere ( Romans 12:9), a deep affection for one another.

Paul also urges us to “outdo one another in showing honor” (Romans 12:10). But how do we do that? Is Paul promoting competition among the body of believers? In a sense, yes. Instead of going tit for tat with our affections, respect, and service, we are called to be “one-upping” each other constantly. Think about how different our world would be if we were always looking for ways to give more love, higher respect, and extra service to others.

We don’t have to withhold happiness for our brothers and sisters in Christ; instead, we can lavish them with sincere joy. This is one of those “preach easy lives hard” messages. In a fallen world, unhealthy competition often overtakes the desire to outdo each other in a positive way–but it doesn’t have to be that way. Especially for those who belong to Christ, we can never surpass the abundance of grace and mercy God gives us daily. When we remember the gospel and all that has been done for us, we can’t help but “rejoice with those who rejoice”, ( Romans 12:15).

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gifts of salvation. We are so grateful to be adopted into your family; thank you for the blessing of brothers and sisters in Christ. We ask that you help us as we celebrate others and give us a genuinely overjoyed heart when a brother or sister in Christ accomplishes something great or noble or is blessed, even when we feel more deserving. Give us the gift of self-forgetfulness, thinking less of ourselves and more of others.

Give us eyes to see how richly you have blessed us, looking only to you and not comparing our lives with others. Help us remember that we are not competing, you love your children equally, and we don’t have to earn your affection. Give us confidence in how you created us, and let us use our gifts to encourage one another. In Your son Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

Message from First Lady Worthem – 8/25/2024

Church of the Living God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. Jewell Dominion Message from the Desk of First Lady Deaconess Linda Worthem Date: August 25, 2024 Greetings to my beloved brothers and sisters in the name

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Friday Devotion and Prayer – July 14, 2023

Friday Devotion and Prayer – July 14, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.                                          Friday Devotion and Prayer. July 14, 2023