= Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc. =
The History
Trinity School of Enlightenment was founded by Dr. N. A. Manning in 1997 as a Bible correspondence school and operates under the auspices of the Church of the Living God Jewell Dominion.
The objective of the courses offered is to enhance knowledge of God’s Word, and as your knowledge of His Word increases, so will your wisdom in performing His will, spiritually, physically and mentally.
Any minister or lay individual (18 years and above) who can be self-disciplined to study. independently, complete correspondence or work assignments with an on-site facilitator (local churches) while exploring God’s Word, is eligible to participate in this program.
Once you have successfully completed and returned the course study material, you will be eligible to participate in the annual graduation ceremonies.
Complete the attached application and return it, along with your registration and course fees to the Trinity School of Enlightenment, at the address below. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of the course material.
Module 1:
Introduction to Biblical Studies (18 cr.)
Module 2:
Applying Biblical Studies—Personal (21 cr.)
Module 3:
Applying Biblical Studies—Community (24 cr.)
Module 4:
Applying Biblical Studies—Special (24 cr.)
May the reading and learning of His Holy Word enrich every area of your life.
We look forward to meeting you, digitally and in person! If you need prayer or assistance, please contact us!
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7