Church of the Living God

The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc.

Jewell Dominion

Message from the Desk of First Lady Deaconess Linda Worthem

Date: June 16, 2024


Greetings to my beloved brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am saved, sanctified, and kept by the power of the Holy Ghost. I want to give honor to our General Chief Overseer, Bishop Dr. Calvin Worthem, Assistant Overseer, Bishop Dr. Bonnie Guster, the Chief Helpers, and all church officials who work tirelessly to spread the Good News and bring souls to Christ.


With deep gratitude, Saints, the Overseer, and I humbly wish all fathers a blessed and Happy Father’s Day. We urge all fathers to continue to teach their children the word of God. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” As we celebrate with our earthly fathers, let us not forget to praise our Heavenly Father. If your earthly father is no longer living, lean and depend on your Heavenly Father.  Because in Psalm 55:22, “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”


Saints, the Overseer, and I eagerly anticipate the 116th General Assembly in Indianapolis, Indiana, on June 23-30, 2024. This is a crucial event where we can all unite with joyful hearts, ready to see our brothers and sisters and praise the true and living God. Remember, our God can handle any problem you might have. Whether you are a singer, a musician, or a preacher, come and use your talents to glorify God. Our God is worthy of our worship and praises. He is a healer, a deliverer, and above all, He is our Lord and Savior. Let us come in with nothing but love for our brothers and sisters because we are family.


In closing, the Overseer and I pray for safe traveling mercy for all. Happy Father’s Day to all COTLG-JD fathers. 


All Praises be to the True and Living God.


His Servant,

Deaconess Linda Worthem

First Lady of COTLG-Jewell Dominion