Church of the Living God

The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Which He Purchased With His Own Blood, Inc.

Jewell Dominion

National Prayer Request: Hats and Pearls Women Conference

International Outreach Ministry of Prayer


Date: March 04, 2025

From the Desk of: Bishop Rosetta Richardson, President


TO: Pastors, Associate Pastors, Members, Prayer Warriors

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who hears and answers Prayer.  Praise His Holy Name.

This is a request to Pray:

For all attendants to the Hats and Pearls Women’s Conference in Nassau, Bahamas which begins this Thursday, March 6 through Saturday, March 8, 2025.  Travel to and from the Bahamas will begin this Monday, March 3rd. The flights are arriving back to the States on Monday 10th. 

Each day, beginning this Sunday March 2nd, through Monday March 10th, include the following requests with your prayers for all visiting the Bahamas and the Conference.

  • Divine protection on the planes and in vehicles to and from the country and during their visit and hotel stay.
  • Everyone will keep physically strong and healthy.   
  • The Director, Elder Elease Coney’s plans for a successful outcome. A new beginning and halleluiah time.
  • The Members in the Bahamas will be uplifted and the bond of Sisterly love through Christ will be stronger.  
  • Church’s welfare, growth, and prosperity.

State side – not forgetting to keep praying and sending love and encouragement to the Members in Indianapolis, Indiana, our General Chief Overseer Dr. Worthem, Assistant Overseer, Dr. Guster and prayer for each other.

God has seen what happened and knows what to do about the Headquarters.  Is there anything too hard for God?  He created the heavens and the earth.  Let us rejoice and be glad, trusting Him to do a “new thing” that will generate much joy to our hearts and greater glory to His wonderful Name!  Let us offer Him thanksgiving through prayer.  Bless you all!

Humbly, At Jesus’ Feet,

Bishop Richardson