Wednesday Devotion and Prayer – June 14, 2023

      By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD., DDiv.

                              Wednesday Devotion and Prayer. June 14, 2023
                                            “Stand Up for Righteousness”

“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.” Micah 6:8

Many are choosing a corner to stand in, and the four corners presented are – your way, society’s way, the church’s way, and God’s way. Truthfully, we are faced with this choice every single day. Begs to question, where would you stand?

Each corner looks enticing and has its own appeal. They all hold different worldly viewpoints and various perspectives. However, as believers, there is only one corner to stand in! Sounds easy enough, right? Yet, in saying that, there are so many times we don’t even realize we take a stand for our own way, bending to the way of society, or falling into a misconception of what the church offers, dismissing the whole truth.

Friend, we are in strange times, unchartered territory. God’s laws are all but removed in most places or sadly being replaced with personal narratives and motives. It is not only happening within the walls of nearly every public building, including our schools, but it is sadly happening within the walls of our congregations too. Currently, our society is easily bending and swaying to the ways of the flesh, which costs the safety of many, especially our innocent children.

So, what do we do? We choose to stand up for righteousness by getting in God’s corner! But, with all the misinformation and misleading truths out there, how do we know it is truly His corner? We must know Him – deeply. We can tell His way apart from the others because it has His Word written all over it. It acts justly, loves mercy, and walks humbly (Micah 6:8). If we really want to take a stand for righteousness and speak out for injustice, we need to be submerged in His Word and etch it in the depth of our hearts (Proverbs 3:3).

Our actions must show others that our God is a God of law and order and that He craves justice. We act justly by speaking out for what is true, noble, and right in God’s eyes, all while repenting and seeking forgiveness of our fleshly desires. We share that God’s love is full of mercy and grace and that forgiveness is wrapped in freedom. And lastly, we walk in humility, knowing God has our back as we boldly posture our hearts towards Him rather than our abilities or the ways of this world. Will you join me in standing up for righteousness?

Heavenly Father,
You are a righteous God, and we are so thankful that You provide us with an instruction manual on how to live this life. Help us etch Your precious Word into our hearts. Give us the courage to stand firm in our convictions and stand up for what is true and right. Give us the wisdom and words to speak out against the evil surrounding us daily, and lead us back to Your corner! Help us act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly while submitting to Your will and ways.

Please forgive us where we fail You and have grace upon us. Lord, direct Your church and people to the truth in Your Word and help us stand on that bedrock and not depart from it. We love you, Lord, and praise your Holy name. In Your son Jesus ‘ name, I pray, Amen.