Monday Devotion and Prayer – May 8, 2023

                  By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, Ph.D., D. Div.  
                         Monday Devotion and Prayer. May 8, 2023
                          “For Moms Who Question Their Impact”

“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?” – John 6:9

As a believer, I know everything has a purpose in God’s economy. I believe God values family, and the impact of a godly, present mother is undeniable in the lives of children. God works through everyday people, often in unseen and ordinary places. So, when the lie creeps in, that my role as “just a mom” is insignificant, that I am more valuable than “watching kids all day,” I am reminded of the story in John 6:1-14 of the little boy and his lunch that Jesus used to feed over 5,000 people. The passage’s focus often rests on the miracle of turning five loaves and two fish into enough to fill the bellies of thousands.

But I can’t help but think about how the lunch got into the hands of the boy; someone had to pack it for him, and no doubt it was his mother. And if I was to put myself in her shoes, it might have been hard for her to send her son off to see this great teacher and stay home. But, because of her deep love and concern for her little boy, she made sure to meet his physical needs by packing a lunch, which provided a way for a miracle, meeting many people’s spiritual needs.

Feeding her child was likely another thing on her list; perhaps she didn’t even give it much thought. Yet, God extraordinarily used a mother’s simple and routine care to touch millions of people, as this miracle is shared repeatedly. So, when doubt creeps in, shut it down with God’s Truth. Have a Happy Mother’s Day! You are valuable, significant, and impactful not just today as you meet your children’s physical needs but eternally as you share the Gospel through your faithful commitment to Christ.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of motherhood. Too often, we don’t realize the enormous blessing of being a mother; please help us as we learn to value our roles within the home. We pray for all mothers, when doubt creeps in, that they can quickly shut down the lies with the Truth from Your Word.
Help us, Lord, as we focus not on the seen but on the unseen. Guide our conversations, making the most of every opportunity with our children by birth and the others we impact beyond our home. Please, God, forgive us when we fail to obey, are ungrateful, or question your plan for our lives. Please give us patience and humility as we parent with You, not leaning on our understanding but entirely depending on the power of the Holy Spirit living within our hearts. We love you, Lord. In Your Son Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.