Friday Devotion and Prayer – May 12, 2023

                  By: Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, Ph.D., D. Div.  

                       Friday Devotion and Prayer. May 12, 2023
                                     “A Mother’s Courage”

“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”Deuteronomy 31:6

I remember Jesus’ statement in John 16:33 that we will have trouble in this world, but to take heart because he has overcome the world. This verse brings me peace, and I cling to it for myself. But I’m coming awake to the truth that my son will have his own set of hardships. Hence, my midnight wrestling. On the one hand, I wish a trouble-free life for him, but on the other hand, I don’t because it’s in our difficulties where we grow the most if we choose to do so.

These are the crossroads we mothers face. Life is hard, but we will overcome it when we stay close to God. We want our adult sons and daughters to choose God’s way of trust and embrace his presence in their lives. But, we also know life becomes hardest when someone walks away from God, and we cannot make them choose his way. And so, we need extra courage. No one warned me about this when I nestled my son in my arms. I needed the courage to train him through the terrible twos, hurricane threes, childhood drama, and teenage angst. But I had no idea the level of courage it would take to watch my child navigate his first steps into adulthood. I need resolute courage to speak when God says to and to be silent when he instructs. I need gutsy courage to lay in bed at night and intercede for my child rather than worry. I need tenacious courage to trust God to guide my son’s steps, knowing he does a much better job than me. Finally, I need formidable courage to believe that even though he will struggle, he will know victory because Jesus says he overcomes the world.

In Deuteronomy 31, Moses passed the mantle of leading the Israelites to Joshua. It was time to enter the Promised Land, but Moses could not go with them. Instead, he told them the Lord would go ahead of them to destroy the nations occupying their land and that they must obey the Lord’s commands. I imagine there may have been some fear and trepidation about the future. After all, the last four decades had taken on a familiar routine. They gathered manna in the morning, lived in tents, and moved as the Lord directed. Now they faced an unknown future in a strange land with a brand-new leader. The risk for acute worry and diminished courage was high. Moses gave them three instructions: to be strong, courageous, and not fear. Then he implored them to remember that God goes with them and won’t leave or forsake them. He commissioned them for their future. Mamas, we need the same instructions and reminders. It requires remarkable courage to entrust our grown-up kids to God.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the son you entrusted to me. Help me be brave. I’m scared. Will he make the right choices? What kind of troubles will he face? Will you be there for him? Will you catch him or let him fall? I want to swoop in and rescue him. I want to tell him what his next steps should be. But I entrusted him to you when he was tiny, and I’ve got to re-entrust him to you now. You are with him, and you will not forsake him. Help me have the courage to lean on you and give him space to follow your leadership through his valleys and mountains. In Your son Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

(If you have a daughter or more than one when you pray this prayer make it personal for your household).

Bishop Dr. Etta Mhoon-Walker, PhD, DDiv.